Tips To Avoid Losing Your Car Keys

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    Losing car keys can definitely be one of the most stress-inducing events in your day.

    It can happen to you or anybody you know.

    You only feel confident about lost keys when you are any of the following:

    First, your car has excellent protection against unauthorized unlocking attempts.

    Second, you have immediate alternatives to open the car door.

    Either way, a lost key still makes your vehicle vulnerable.

    That’s a risk you shouldn’t be taking.

    Replacing or repairing a car can set you back thousands of dollars.

    Losing an access point to everyday things can disrupt the routines of your day.

    Find a way to lessen the stress that comes from losing car keys.

    There are many tips to avoid losing your car keys.

    If you haven’t done any of them, there’s no better time to do them than now.

    You never know when you will lose the keys to your car.

    Some tips are straightforward ways you can apply.

    Other tips will require help from professional locksmiths like us in LALA Locksmiths to do.

    TIP 1: Attach a tracker to the car key

    Technology is fantastic and constantly provides wireless solutions every day.

    You can purchase a Bluetooth tracker online or in a store, attach it to the car keys.

    Now, you have a trackable car key that you can locate when lost.

    There are so many Bluetooth trackers you can operate with your phone.

    In most cases, if the car key is within your vicinity, the tracker lets out an alarm signal.

    TIP 2: Chain them to other tag sets

    It may seem counterproductive to put your car keys with other keys.

    If you lose the car keys, you lose all keys.

    Nevertheless, this is effective in preventing a lost key since you’re keeping keys together.

    Bigger key rings with many other keys are easier to spot and less likely to lose within your scope of vision.

    Bigger rings with a lot of keys are also noisier, so if it falls, you will hear it immediately.

    TIP 3: Make the keys have a luminous marker

    Car keys can get lost very fast in the dark.

    It’s more challenging to find them in the dark too.

    Apply some luminous markers to the car key to make sure they’re visible during the night.

    That way, even if they end up rolling or sliding away under dark ground, you can see them.

    Glow-in-the-dark markers or stickers are very cheap to purchase, and they don’t take a lot of work to apply.

    TIP 4: Assign a set spot for the keys

    When the car keys don’t have a usual sitting spot at home, you’ll end up putting them anywhere.

    Did you leave the car keys in the kitchen or the laundry room?

    You will never know unless you set a designated space for it.

    Make sure that spot is marked and has clear indicators for car key space.

    You can use a wall hook or a random glass, or even a nice table bowl to contain the keys.

    TIP 5: Get a spare set

    The inevitable happens any time where you can’t apply a tip to avoid losing your car keys.

    A clear solution or alternative is what you need to access your car.

    Always have a spare car key to make sure that you can still drive your car.

    Professional lock technicians can help you with duplicating keys for old car models.

    If you use a car fob that is as easy to lose, our team of auto locksmiths can help you program a new key fob unit.

    Do you need new keys to the car? Our team in Los Angeles can help you with the missing car keys.

    We are LALA Locksmiths, and we offer service for car locks.

    Car keys are delicate matters in your hands.

    A lost car key is not an easy feat unless you already have a set solution like a duplicate or extra fob.

    It’s better to apply the tips to avoid losing your car keys

    We can give you services if you need to open your car lock as soon as possible.

    Our mobile locksmiths in Los Angeles are here to help you access your car.

    We are available on-call and we are always ready to provide solutions to lost car keys.

    Give us a call in times of emergency.

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